Other names of the Tarot court of Cups

Chalices Goblets Vessels Bowls Hearts

Zodiac signs of the Tarot court of Cups

Cancer Scorpio Pisces

Planets of the Tarot Court​ of Cups

Moon Neptune Pluto

Elements of the Tarot Court of Cups


Meaning of the Tarot Court of Cups

Cups, also known as Chalices, represent emotions, feelings, and dreams. They are symbolized by the zodiac signs from the water element: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The Court of Cups consists of Tarot cards that are always associated with other people, relationships, family, partnerships, children, parents, as well as happiness and closeness to others. The court cards from the suit of Cups indicate emotional individuals who value good relationships with others and have deep affections, particularly in the case of the Queen and King of Cups. Cups are cards that point to the immaterial sphere of life and stand in contrast to the cards from the suit of Pentacles. Because Cups are associated with the element of Water, they also indicate changeable individuals who can experience their emotions very deeply and intensely.