The Hermit

The Hermit

Meaning of the Tarot card The Hermit

The Hermit depicts a decidedly elderly man standing with his head bowed down on ice-covered ground. The Hermit, also known in Tarot as the Eremite, has a gray beard, which indicates not only his age, but also his life experience. In his right hand, this man holds a lantern partially covered with a cloak, which also symbolizes the knowledge but also the wisdom that comes from the Hermit. In his left hand, the man holds a staff, which, however, does not serve him only as a support, but primarily as a tool for prophecy and resolution. The space shown in the Hermit is completely deserted, but this is definitely what he needs right now. This is because the Hermit in Tarot indicates a moment when you decide to go into some kind of isolation. This time will not only allow you to rest from the overwhelming world, but also to find answers to the important questions in your life. The Hermit, then, indicates a period of quiet and contemplation in which you will free yourself for a time from the issues and people that can sometimes overwhelm you. It is not without reason, then, that the Major Arcana of Tarot depicts an older man after the Chariot, which represents the opposite of the pursuit of your own and externalized goals. The Hermit is therefore a symbol of isolation, but also of wisdom and self-discovery.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Hermit in the upright position

The Hermit in the upright position always indicates important matters in your life that involve a period of solitude and spiritual exploration. However, this is only due to your own decision and need for isolation from the surrounding world and people. For this reason, the Hermit in an upright position very often advises you to retreat into the shadows in some way, where you will be able to find a new way of life with the help of your inner light. However, the Hermit in an upright position does not necessarily indicate physical remoteness, and much more often it will be realized on the mental plane. The upright Hermit very often indicates a break or suspension of contact on the part of the person depicted on this card. This may be due to a temporary need for a break from the problems that have been present in your life so far, or a desire to completely reevaluate your life goals. This period, however, will not last forever and at some point you will return to society again, although with completely different thoughts. The Hermit in the upright position further indicates great inner wisdom and acquired knowledge that will help you make the right decision. The upright Hermit also symbolizes help from an older person, and the ability to overcome adversity with inner strength.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Hermit in the reversed position

The Hermit in a reversed position very often indicates extreme isolation from your surroundings. Such a decision may be due to the fact that you are unable to cope with the problems present in your life, which is a kind of escape from them. Very often, when you see the reversed Hermit it should be interpreted as a sign that this is not the best time for solitude. Instead, it may be a much better choice to enlist the help of someone who has knowledge and experience in the matter you are asking about. The Hermit in the reversed position is therefore a symbol of paranoid withdrawal from the world resulting very often from fear, but also an attempt to avoid facing the truth. The reversed Hermit, however, indicates that in this situation you will not find the expected peace and answers to your questions. This card may also indicate a time in your life when you want to end your current stage of seclusion. The Hermit in the reversed position may also talk about dissatisfaction, which may turn into stagnation or even life stagnation. It is also a sign that you are currently unable to listen to the voice of your inner wisdom, which may cause you to make the same mistakes. The reversed Hermit encourages you to face reality and re-evaluate your goals.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Hermit in relationships in the upright position

In relationship questions, the Hermit in an upright position is one of the more difficult cards because it itself foretells a time of isolation from people. What is positive about this card is that you will always make this decision in harmony with yourself. The upright Hermit can in some situations indicate the end of a relationship or not wanting to start a new relationship. In either case, the upright Hermit indicates that solitary contemplation is currently more important to you than participating in the lives of others. If this card does not represent you, it may indicate that you will lose contact with a certain person for a while and will not be influenced by that decision. The upright Hermit in certain questions may also indicate that you are currently suffering from loneliness, but still need time to work on yourself. In regards to ongoing relationships, the upright Hermit will symbolize isolation from your partner, as well as a lack of understanding from those close to you. This card may also talk about the fact that you find it difficult to express your feelings and emotions towards people you really care about. This also applies to bed matters, which for the person seen on the upright Hermit are practically non-existent at the moment. The upright Hermit advises you to take your current time by completely focusing your attention on your own needs.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Hermit in relationships in the reversed position.

The reversed Hermit in relationship questions indicates extreme loneliness, which can bring you sadness and disappointment. This may be due to the fact that for some reason you are unable to establish an emotional connection with another person. The reversed Hermit also indicates fear of rejection and making the same mistakes. The Hermit in the reversed position symbolizes a person who has been alone for so long that they are no longer able to coexist with other people. For an ongoing relationship, it may in turn herald its abrupt end. However, such a decision will not be beneficial to the person depicted on this card. In some circumstances, the reversed Hermit may also indicate that you are unable to live alone, so you are clinging to your current relationship. It also foretells situations in which you may experience exclusion from a person close to you. The Hermit in the reversed position is a sign of withdrawal from social life and it is not a good sign for people who want to build a new relationship. This is because it may portend a time when you will not get the opportunity to make new friends or you may experience love rejection. The reversed Hermit encourages you to let go of your fears, and sometimes it can foretell the rebuilding of a relationship that has already ended.

Keywords for the Tarot card The Hermit

You must accomplish the most important things and matters self-discovery work on yourself strive for perfection wisdom and enlightenment

Keywords for the Tarot card The Hermit in the upright position

Wisdom spiritual growth learning from past experiences the need to be alone therapy exploring your inner world seeking the truth about yourself your life meditation

Keywords for the Tarot card The Hermit in the reversed position

Loneliness false ideals isolation confinement escape from life masochistic tendencies avoidance of truth about self need to reevaluate goals relationships career

Other names for the Tarot card The Hermit


The meaning of the Tarot card The Hermit in other languages

Time of the Tarot card The Hermit

From August 23 to September 22 In 9 months

Color scheme of the Tarot card The Hermit

Yellow green

Zodiac signs of the Tarot card The Hermit


Planets of the Tarot card The Hermit


Elements of the Tarot card The Hermit


Arcana of the Tarot card The Hermit