The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

Meaning of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune in Tarot is marked with the number ten (X) and as its name symbolizes the changeability of fate and your destiny. In the center of the card you can see a large golden circle referring to the amulet of joy of life. It is connected inside by four spokes with the symbols of mercury, sulfur, water and salt. At the very top of the Wheel of Fortune card sits the sphinx, which in turn symbolizes a kind of mystery, but also the predictability of certain pre-planned events. In the ascending phase of the wheel, Anubis with the head of the jackal is visible, and on the other hand, in the descending phase, the Egyptian god Seth. In the Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune also has Hebrew characters corresponding to the name of God (YHVH) and the word TARO, which is attributed with many meanings in Latin. The card also shows a blue sky and clouds supported by four cherubs (lion, angel, eagle and bull). The Wheel of Fortune is a card that primarily refers to the cyclical nature of life, during which one time you are at the top, and another time you touch the very bottom. The Wheel of Fortune is symbolic of the inevitability of things happening to you, which, good or bad, you don't have to earn. This is one of the most important cards in Tarot, because it always heralds important events and changes for the asking person.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in the upright position

The upright Wheel of Fortune is definitely one of the best cards to come across, no matter what your question is. It predicts great fortune and good luck, and a time in your life when you will reach the very top. However, you must remember that pride always comes before the fall, and even the best of harvests will eventually be followed by a worse sowing. The Wheel of Fortune in an upright position is also very often a harbinger of completely unexpected events that can affect every area of your life. Expect improvements in both love and health matters, as well as a break in a previous bad streak. In everyday situations the Wheel of Fortune can indicate a sudden turn of events that can bring about very positive results. However, with this card there is no room for coincidence, so everything that happens in your life is part of a larger and top-down plan prepared for you. Expect a reward from fate, and complete providence from the higher forces. The Wheel of Fortune encourages you to take the initiative and seize the opportunities that come your way. It is also a symbol of constant movement and good fortune, which can usher in a new phase in your life.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in the reversed position

The Wheel of Fortune in a reversed position is primarily an indication that you are losing the success that has so far helped you get to the top. It can also indicate that you are resisting the changes that are necessary for your continued growth. For this reason, a reversed Wheel of Fortune foretells events that will in some way force you to change your current perspective. In time, however, this will help you achieve even greater success in life. For this to happen, however, you will need to understand the volatility of fate and come to grips with life's lessons. The Wheel of Fortune in a reversed position is a symbol of a downward trend that will lead to a significant deterioration in your life situation. This is very often associated with material losses that can, in extreme situations, lead to the loss of property. However, you should keep in mind that the events described in this card can transform your life in all matters, not only financial. The reversed Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the moment when your luck may run out and you may lose. The reversed Wheel of Fortune advises you to prepare for difficult times and avoid risky investments. Moreover, you may experience disappointment and even doubt in the time to come. The reversed Wheel of Fortune advises you to prepare for difficult times and avoid risky investments.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in relationships in the upright position

In relationship questions, the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position predicts positive events regardless of your current situation. The changes that will come into your love life, however, will be completely unexpected and unavoidable. For this reason the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position may indicate both an upcoming new relationship or the end of a current relationship. This card encourages you to act decisively, however, and to seize the opportunity that comes your way, which will ultimately prove to be beneficial to you. The upright Wheel of Fortune also symbolizes a time of emotional transformation, which can help you to free yourself from previous problems and limitations. It can also be a time when your relationship will experience a complete change, or even the closing of a certain life stage. This will be helped by the guidance of higher forces, which will allow you to reach a peak together and pass the coming test of life positively. The Wheel of Fortune in an upright position, however, always refers to changes that in their effect affect the whole of life, not just emotional matters. This is an opportunity coming from life that will allow you to change your fate perhaps through the person who is inscribed in the stars. It is a reminder to build a relationship that will also be able to withstand difficult times.

Meaning of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in relationships in the reversed position.

When it comes to relationships, the reversed Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of their downfall, which under certain circumstances may herald the end of an ongoing relationship. The Wheel of Fortune in a reversed position also heralds the arrival of difficult times, in which you will have to face external problems together, but also your own weaknesses. This card can be interpreted as a kind of exam from life, whose task is to check whether you are following the right path for you. The reversed Wheel of Fortune is a bad sign if there have been no major problems in your emotional life so far. Otherwise, this card tells you that the situation in this area will not improve in the near future. So you can't count on the favor of fate, instead you need to focus on hard work that will allow you to build new relationships in your life. The Wheel of Fortune in a reversed position can also very often indicate karmic relationships that need to be worked through. On the other hand, the Wheel of Fortune may also indicate that you are not meant to be on a life path together at this time. The reversed Wheel of Fortune for new relationships can also herald complications and delays, and for long term relationships a time of stagnation. Expect the unexpected and learn as much as you can from the experience.

Keywords for the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune

Accept your fate revival empowerment change turning point movement

Keywords for the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in the upright position

The beginning of a new phase in life change destiny a period on the carriage winning having to undergo change being unable to avoid change accepting that the only constant in life is constant change

Keywords for the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in the reversed position

Loss fatalism resignation doubt theft resisting change period under the carriage defeat

Other names for the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

The meaning of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune in other languages

Time of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune

From November 22 to December 21 From February 19 to March 20 In 10 months It all depends on fate At any moment

Color scheme of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune


Zodiac signs of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune


Planets of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune


Elements of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune


Arcana of the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune