Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups in Tarot depicts in its classic image a person dressed in red clothing who is moving away into the unknown along a river. This man leaves behind eight cups which symbolize in this position all that he has previously acquired and possessed. The card is depicted in dark colors which, together with the Moon, clearly suggest that night reigns here. At the same time the Silver Globe in the sky is in the rising sickle phase, which indicates in turn a growing fear of the unknown. On the path of the man shown on this card, are mountains, which indicate unlimited possibilities and the achievement of goals. Indeed, the Eight of Cups speaks of a distant journey, but one that allows us to return to the cups left behind. Thus, this case may involve a change of residence, work, but also a relationship, where leaving a familiar and friendly place we set off in pursuit of a better tomorrow. This card, however, is accompanied by great emotions that fill the Cups placed on top of each other.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Cups in the upright position

The upright Eight of Cups represents the tremendous emotions that accompany the person depicted on it. The decision has already been made, and you are embarking on a long journey that can take place on both the physical and mental planes. However, the new journey is dictated by your search for the missing two cups for the complete happiness that the Ten of Cups card represents. What you put behind you is of great value to you, so your return is not excluded. The cups stacked behind you are waiting for you to come back for them, and this is not an easy decision for you to make. The Eight of Cups in the upright position stands for moving, which may involve a change in your entire life, including work. It is a release from a relationship that no longer allowed you to continue to grow, and it may also have been toxic for you. Decisions made on the upright Eight of Cups are emotional and full of concern, but you are accompanied by a relative calm. Instead, the very motivation to make this effort comes from your inner need to explore new paths and experiences in your life. This is the ultimate release from a past that has enslaved you.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Cups in the reversed position

The reversed Eight of Cups is always a symbol of difficulty in making an important decision for the future. It involves a journey that will force you to make many changes, but they are necessary for your continued growth. The card predicts an inability to let go of the past, especially the close people in your life with whom you had so many Cups in common. If you lack courage, this card encourages you to let go of your fears and venture into the unknown. Staying in your current situation can only bring you more disappointment and a loss of the will to live. But don't let negative thoughts dominate your outlook and lead you to depression. Instead, use your intuition, which will help you make the right decision like nothing else. The reversed Eight of Cups is the card of emotional turmoil and clinging to a relationship that no longer brings you happiness. It's time to strike out on your own, however, and sooner or later you'll meet new people on your journey. On the other hand, the reversed Eight of Cups may represent an escape from problems and the difficulty in finding a single place in life that will satisfy you.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Cups in relationships in the upright position

The upright Eight of Cups, like the reversed one, symbolizes the tremendous emotion of your situation. If you are currently in a relationship, the reversed Eight of Cups predicts a separation, but it will not be a temporary breakup, but a final closing of the past behind you. You may be planning a complete overhaul of your current life, and there is no room in that plan for the two of you. This decision is difficult but necessary and brings closure to a phase. In itself, the upright Eight of Cups for emotional matters is a difficult card, but it indicates a search for freedom that will eventually offer you new opportunities. The card points to toxic relationships that make us lose faith and want to embark on a new journey alone as if we had no other choice. The reversed Eight of Cups is also a card of loneliness, so it doesn't bode well for new friendships. Even if new people do come your way, your fears and anxieties may prevent you from building a solid relationship. The reversed Eight of Cups can also speak of abandoning your safe haven and family life in search of your life path. However, the card encourages you to seek emotional fulfillment and bold decisions.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Cups in relationships in the reversed position.

The reversed Eight of Cups for love affairs, unlike the card in the upright position, does not indicate a breakup. However, it does not indicate an improvement in your current situation, but only a difficulty in breaking free from a toxic relationship. With the reversed Eight of Cups, your emotional life does not give you satisfaction and although you realize your capabilities, fear prevents you from moving forward. You're probably afraid of being alone, so it seems better for you to stay in an unhappy relationship than to try something new. But you need to find the inner strength to make this difficult decision. On the other hand, it may turn out that it is the lack of emotional maturity that causes your current problems. Instead of running away, try to find the cause of your current situation in your past, especially in your childhood, and then try to solve your problems together. If you want to find on your way a new love and a person with whom you will create a lasting relationship, think about how your relationship should look like. When the time comes, don't let your feelings of low self-worth affect how you treat each other. Release your fear of responsibility and try to build a new foundation for your emotions.

Keywords for the Tarot card Eight of Cups

Calmness distancing slamming doors loss

Keywords for the Tarot card Eight of Cups in the upright position

Leaving breaking up departing job termination freeing yourself from a toxic relationship seeking freedom a partner a new place for yourself finally letting go of the past

Keywords for the Tarot card Eight of Cups in the reversed position

Running away from life depression shutting down lack of faith and hope in the meaning of life clinging to a toxic relationship out of fear

Other names for the Tarot card Eight of Cups

8 of Cups Eight of Goblets 8 of Goblets Eight of Chalices 8 of Chalices

The meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Cups in other languages

Time of the Tarot card Eight of Cups

From February 19 to February 29 In 8 months

Color scheme of the Tarot card Eight of Cups

Black orange

Zodiac signs of the Tarot card Eight of Cups


Planets of the Tarot card Eight of Cups


Elements of the Tarot card Eight of Cups


Arcana of the Tarot card Eight of Cups