The Eight of Cups in Tarot depicts in its classic image a person dressed in red clothing who is moving away into the unknown along a river. This man leaves behind eight cups which symbolize in this position all that he has previously acquired and possessed. The card is depicted in dark colors which, together with the Moon, clearly suggest that night reigns here. At the same time the Silver Globe in the sky is in the rising sickle phase, which indicates in turn a growing fear of the unknown. On the path of the man shown on this card, are mountains, which indicate unlimited possibilities and the achievement of goals. Indeed, the Eight of Cups speaks of a distant journey, but one that allows us to return to the cups left behind. Thus, this case may involve a change of residence, work, but also a relationship, where leaving a familiar and friendly place we set off in pursuit of a better tomorrow. This card, however, is accompanied by great emotions that fill the Cups placed on top of each other.