The Six of Pentacles, also known as the Six of Coins, represents two beggars, just like the Five of Pentacles. This time, however, they are not left alone with their problems, but can count on the help of a man dressed in red. He is holding a scale in his left hand, which symbolizes justice, but also prudence. With his right hand, he gives the Pentacles in his possession to the person wearing an orange robe, while the other one, wearing a blue robe, waits in the same position for his turn. Both of these people have their hands out, indicating that they are waiting for some kind of support or alms. And indeed, the Six of Pentacles itself in Tarot indicates giving and receiving some help, but also sharing with others what we have. The card itself foretells events related to receiving rewards, especially material ones. The rich man standing over the beggars, on the other hand, alludes to having control over money, and they themselves symbolize a sense of security and receiving a kind of award, but also commands patience.