Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Swords

On the Eight of Swords, we see a woman who is dressed in a red outfit and standing on muddy ground. Around her we also see eight swords stuck into the ground. The woman is bound with ropes and her eyes remain covered. In the background we see a hill with buildings erected on it. The Eight of Swords in some ways resembles the Two of Swords, but in this case we are not dealing with pain and suffering, but with limitations that somehow prevent a person from making a sound decision. However, this person is not trying to get out of this uncomfortable situation, but seems to be stuck in this state without seeing any chance to solve the problem. The card of Eight of Swords indicates not only a lack of movement on the physical level, but also on the mental level, where we find inner blocks preventing us from overcoming our weaknesses, or achieving our goals. The Eight of Swords is also a card of feeling trapped, as well as of the inner struggle we have when trying to make a decision. Very often the events in this card are associated with paralyzing fear and negative thinking. The Eight of Swords also represents a loss of freedom, for example, in your words.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Swords in the upright position

The Eight of Swords in an upright position portends a situation in which you find yourself in some kind of trap. It will most often manifest on the mental plane, although it may also sometimes herald a real restriction of freedom, for example due to illness. In everyday matters the Eight of Swords in upright position will most often speak about your inner limitations, which may block you from forming a new relationship or finding a better job. However, instead of trying to free yourself from this situation, which is clearly uncomfortable for you, you prefer to stand still. This is because it is a kind of comfort zone for you and you prefer to let others determine your fate. However, the upright Eight of Swords advises you to break free from this situation and make bold and independent decisions about your future. Although at the moment you don't see a chance to improve your current situation it will become possible as soon as you remove the blindfold from your eyes. The Eight of Swords in the upright position is also a symbol of emotional blockage as well as relationships in which you are somewhat dependent. Although the upright Eight of Swords indicates a crisis it will not last forever for you.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Swords in the reversed position

The Eight of Swords reversed is a positive sign that says that it is finally time to let go of past problems in your life. The card speaks of the moment when you know what is holding you back and what you need to do to change your situation. The Eight of Swords reversed foretells of a better future, and indicates that you can finally see things as they really are. All you need to do is remove the blindfold over your eyes because everything is now in your hands. The reversed Eight of Swords is undoubtedly symbolic of the removal of a mental burden, but also of any limitations that may have been blocking you from making certain decisions. However, keep in mind that all of this may be connected to the ending of a certain relationship or stage in your life. It will, however, allow you to regain your freedom and gather yourself for completely new actions. Although we see swords on this card, the reversed Eight of Swords indicates to listen to your intuition instead of logic. This card also encourages you to face your fears and to confront the reality around you. The Eight of Swords reversed foretells a return to physical and mental health.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Swords in relationships in the upright position

In questions about relationships the upright Eight of Swords is not the best sign because it points to unclear and uncertain relationships. Very often it will say that the current relationship is restricting your freedom, but you are not doing anything to free yourself from it. The Eight of Swords in the upright position may also speak of withdrawal and emotional blockage. This very often leads to communication problems or a complete stop of conversations, which is also indicated by the swords shown in the card. The upright Eight of Swords foretells a crisis in the relationship, but also a locking in of negative thoughts, which can lead to many internal dilemmas about his or her future. In some extreme situations, the upright Eight of Swords may symbolize a relationship in which you literally become a prisoner and slave to the other person's own feelings or actions. The upright Eight of Swords is also not a good sign for people who are single because it portends a time when you will find it difficult to open up to a new relationship and overcome your own fears. If you are expecting someone to come into your life who will solve all your problems and free you from a problematic situation then this will not happen. The Eight of Swords in the upright position advises you to throw off your limitations and fight for your destiny.

Meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Swords in relationships in the reversed position.

In relationship questions the reversed Eight of Swords will very often speak of a time when you are finally able to open up emotionally. If you have been limited by your fears and anxieties, the Eight of Swords reversed predicts a moment when you will finally be able to deal with your dilemmas and negative thoughts. The card is often indicative of an improvement in an ongoing relationship especially if it has been causing you to feel trapped and in crisis. On the other hand, the reversed Eight of Swords may indicate that you are trying to break free from a toxic relationship, and you have decided to end it and move on. This will be because you cannot allow the current problems in the relationship to escalate into even worse events. This would lead to you becoming totally dependent on the other party, or even falling into depression. For single people, the Eight of Swords reversed foretells a time when you will finally open up to building a new relationship. All you need to do is let go of past experiences that have negatively affected your mental health. The reversed Eight of Swords, therefore, symbolizes a time of recovery, but also of hope in the love you deserve. So use this moment to meet new people and fruitful encounters.

Keywords for the Tarot card Eight of Swords

Concentration an adventure at a crossroads

Keywords for the Tarot card Eight of Swords in the upright position

Crisis feeling trapped with no way out depression being a prisoner of your negative thoughts difficult life situation illness

Keywords for the Tarot card Eight of Swords in the reversed position

Freeing yourself from a difficult situation working hard for little money striving for mental balance

Other names for the Tarot card Eight of Swords

8 of Swords Eight of Spades 8 of Spades

The meaning of the Tarot card Eight of Swords in other languages

Time of the Tarot card Eight of Swords

From May 21 to May 31 In 8 days.

Color scheme of the Tarot card Eight of Swords

Blue violet

Zodiac signs of the Tarot card Eight of Swords


Planets of the Tarot card Eight of Swords


Elements of the Tarot card Eight of Swords


Arcana of the Tarot card Eight of Swords