The King of Swords encapsulates the Court of Air in Tarot, which relates to intellectual matters, communication, and the flow of information. Because of this, the card depicts a serious and seated ruler on a throne. His posture and facial expression indicate that, he is devoid of any emotion, and the most important thing for him seems to be enforcing the established order. Although the King of Swords in Tarot looks quite young, he will usually be at least middle-aged. On his throne we see butterfly shaped ornaments which may indicate a volatile mind, and the fertile ground beneath it alludes to his shrewdness. The King of Swords is a highly intelligent figure who can not only completely control the issues under his control, but also draw conclusions and make judgments based on his analytical mind. The sword he holds in his right hand, on the other hand, indicates cold calculation and pure intellect. The card predicts order and the enforcement of law and established rules. It can also speak of someone who has high social standing and authority, as well as a significant education.