On the Nine of Swords we see a rather depressing image of a man on a bed. He looks as if he has just awakened from a nightmare, and is trying to cover his face with his hands in a gesture of despair. The entire scene on the Nine of Swords is dark, and the wall of swords above him is in black. The nine blue swords arranged in a horizontal position can in turn symbolize danger. However, the Nine of Swords very rarely speaks of actual danger, but much more often of nightmares, fears and anxieties that accompany us on certain issues and can cause insomnia. Although at first glance the image of the Nine of Swords may be depressing, in reality all the events represented by this card happen only on the mental plane. Although in certain situations the Nine of Swords may lead to depression, very often the situations we fear so much will never happen in your life. The Nine of Swords also points to feelings of guilt or receipt of information that may intensify your crisis and suffering at this time.