The Two of Swords is the second card in the Court where Swords reign supreme. In this case we no longer have one sword, but two, which are in the hands of an androgynous person sitting on the edge. This character is dressed in gray clothing and is blindfolded, so he cannot see the reality that surrounds him. The Two of Swords symbolizes making a decision between different possibilities, but also that there are not one, as in the case of the Ace of Swords, but two sides to the issue. The Two of Swords is also quite strongly associated with the power of intellect as indicated by the visible sickle of the moon in the cloudless sky. The Two of Swords is also very often associated with a kind of isolation resulting from external pressure and the need to make a choice. However, the right decision on this card can only be made with the help of a clear mind, which in turn requires silence and calm. After a period of conflict and the ensuing battle, it is time for a cease-fire, or even to cut yourself off from the world in order to recuperate and be able to reassess the current situation. The Two of Swords also indicates emotional blockage, frigidity, and sometimes physical illness.